Light and Joy by M

Light and Joy Candles by M

My Daughter, M has been very passionate about Candle-making and created her own line of natural candles. They are 100% non-toxic made with organic soy wax, organic essential oils, and herbs for natural colors. She sourced organic soy wax to avoid genetically modifies soy, which is known for it’s heavy pesticide use in its farming practices. As a homeschooling mother, it is such an honor to observe my 6 year old’s endless creativity, so to nurture this, I want to support her entrepreneurship.

Orange candle (paprika dyed, lavender eo), Yellow (turmeric, lemon eo), Green (matcha, peppermint eo), White (cinnamon eo)


Bringing Light and Joy

She will be offering $10 for 3 oz. tin candles as a perfect gift for someone special. Shipping is not included. Please contact if you are interested. Your support will go 100% to her piano lessons. She hopes that these candles bring joy and light to your day!